TWO ways for the HELIOS Projects to be a blessing:

GIVE a HELIOS unit to an untrained pastor or Christian leader
GET a HELIOS unit for yourself or someone else
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95% of Christian pastors and leaders, worldwide, have little or no Bible or Theology training – that’s over 2,000,000 pastors!

The most serious need of churches in economically-challenged countries is the need to train their untrained pastors.” – Woodrow Kroll

What if we could provide down-to-earth conversational teaching on the whole Bible and the essentials of the Christian faith in a friendly and understandable way?

The fact is, we can through the HELIOS Projects – a series of teaching tools featuring the Bible and theology teaching of Dr. Woodrow Kroll, former President and Senior Bible Teacher for the international radio broadcast Back to the Bible.

The HELIOS Projects are the primary ministry of Woodrow Kroll Ministries (the trade name of The Psalm 119 Association Inc.). Woodrow Kroll Ministries exists to connect people with the Author of the Bible through the teaching of the Bible.

  • 2,000,000

    Untrained Pastors on Earth

  • 50

    US Dollars: Trains at least One Pastor

  • 12

    Languages: Projects being translated

What They Are Saying

“There are devices in China that have an audio Bible on them and maybe some songs, but there is nothing with teaching like you do. Your teaching will be much appreciated by Chinese pastors and Christian workers and by me as well. It’s the teaching I’m after. I love HELIOS.”

– Priscilla Guo, Professional English Translator, Beijing, CHINA

“I am enjoying the study with my small group as well as the explanation that the pastor gives. I am very thankful for the pastor of HELIOS and the time he has dedicated to get this done.”

Cuban HELIOS user

“The HELIOS Projects are wonderful. We have the pastors and church members in the mountains that can’t read.  The pastors of Haiti will be very happy to receive HELIOS.  We need these projects to help our leaders grow in the Word.”

Excellent Figaro, Haitian Director of Operations, Haiti Share

“Este proyecto ha sido de bendiciones para toda persona que ha podido tenerlo porque es en les jugar muy pragitico, muy constructivo y va de aquerdo con nuestra doctrina. He aprendido mucho de HELIOS, y espero que sigan trabalado en este proyecto de bendiciones para todos los cristianos.”

Leydis Aguilar - Havana, Cuba (HELIOS user)

“This project has been a blessing for everyone who has been able to have it because it is very pragmatic, very constructive, and it goes hand in hand with our doctrine. I have learned a lot from HELIOS, and I hope you continue to work on this project of blessings for all Christians.”

Leydis Aguilar - Havana, Cuba (HELIOS user)

“I admire your HELIOS projects.  In Haiti we’re many untrained pastors. Your project will help to reach them and they will become effective leaders for the advance of the kingdom of God.  I encourage you to pursue this project by looking for partners for supporting it.  I pray that God open doors for you.”

Rev. Sylvain Exantus, President, Protestant Federation of HAITI

“Para mi a sido de gran bendicion porque he ganado mucho en conocimiento y fe cristiana. Todas las disfruto a plenitud. Dios bendiga en gran manera a Woodrow Kroll y que siga adelante con muchos proyectos mas que son de gran bendicion.”

Yasel Cruz Noda - Havana, Cuba (HELIOS user)

“For me it has been a great blessing because I have gained a lot in knowledge and Christian faith. I fully enjoy them all. God bless Woodrow Kroll greatly and may he continue with many more projects that are of great blessing.”

Yasel Cruz Noda - Havana, Cuba (HELIOS user)

“Ruego a Dios por la oportunidad que me ha dado de conocer el Proyecto Helios. Quiero que hagan extensivo nuestras felicitaciones al equipo en general pero en particular a Woodrow Kroll por la majestuosa presentación y entrega. Noche tras noche escuchamos las Historias Bíblicas. Gracias por este ministerio, gracias por compartir tantas experiencias, gracias por todo…Dios los continúe bendiciendo en gran manera. “

Bárbara - Holguin, Cuba (HELIOS user)

“I pray to God for the opportunity that the Helios Project has given me. I want you to extend our congratulations to the team in general but in particular to Woodrow Kroll for the majestic presentation and delivery. Night after night we listen to the Bible Stories. Thank you for this ministry, thank you for sharing so many experiences, thank you for everything…God continue to bless you in a great way.”

Bárbara - Holguin, Cuba (HELIOS user)

Just quick note to you as I listen and study through the Helios device programs. 1000’s times, THANK YOU for doing this project! It is helping me in more ways than I can tell you! BTW, I do wish you could have done this project 40 years ago, but I realize God was still training you to assemble this project just as you have done!

Robert - Oxford, GA USA (Helios User)